Yeon Sik Hong
- The Catholic University of Korea Incheon St. Mary's Hospital
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
- Catholic University of Korea
- Division of Rheumatology
- Department of Medicine
External person
Ho Youn Kim
- The Center for Rheumatic Diseases
- Catholic University of Korea
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Dongguk University
- Konkuk University
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- School of Medicine
- Ctr. Rheum. Dis. Kangnam St. M.
- The Rheumatism Research Center (RhRC)
- Catholic Research Institutes of Medical Science
- Division of Rheumatology/Immunology
- Hanyang University
- Inha University
- College of Medicine
- School of Medicine
- Kangnam St. Mary's Hospital
- Chosun University
- Department of Microbiology and Immunology
- College of Medicine
- Center for Rheumatic Diseases
External person
Moon Young Kim
- The Catholic University of Korea Incheon St. Mary's Hospital
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
External person
In Je Kim
- Ewha Womans University
- Hallym University
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- The Catholic University of Korea
External person
Sang Heon Lee
- The Center for Rheumatic Diseases
- Catholic University of Korea
- Konkuk University
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- Department of Medicine
- School of Medicine
External person
Hong Ki Min
- Konkuk University
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- Catholic University of Korea
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Division of Rheumatology
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
External person
Hae Rim Kim
- Konkuk University
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Catholic University of Korea
- School of Medicine
External person
Seung Min Jung
- Yonsei University
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
- The Catholic University of Korea, St. Vincent's Hospital
- Catholic University of Korea
- College of Medicine
External person
Chul Soo Cho
- The Center for Rheumatic Diseases
- Catholic University of Korea
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- Ctr. Rheum. Dis. Kangnam St. M.
- College of Medicine
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
- The Catholic University of Korea, St. Vincent's Hospital
- Catholic University of Korea
- Pohang University of Science and Technology
- Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN
- Department of Medicine
- Hanyang University
- Inha University
- Kangnam St. Mary's Hospital
- Center for Rheumatic Diseases
External person
Juryun Kim
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- Inc
- Stanford University
- Inc
- Inc.
- Inc
External person
Youngkyun Kim
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- Stanford University
- LG Corporation
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
- SCatholic University of Korea
External person
In Je Kim
- Hallym University
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- The Catholic University of Korea
External person
Jun Ki Min
- Dongguk University
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
- Catholic University of Korea
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- The Rheumatism Research Center (RhRC)
- Catholic University of Korea
- Uijeongbu St. Mary's Hospital
- Department of Medicine
- Holy Family Hospital
- College of Medicine
- Center for Rheumatic Diseases
External person
Hyoju Yi
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- Stanford University
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
- SCatholic University of Korea
External person
Young Eun Jung
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Jeju National University
- St. Carollo Hospital
- Clinical Research Center for Depression
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- Catholic University of Korea
- St. Carollo General Hospital
- St. Carollo General Hospital
- The Catholic University of Korea, College of Nursing
External person
Shin Seok Lee
- Chonnam National University
- Kangwon National University
- Pusan National University
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Ctr. Rheum. Dis. Kangnam St. M.
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
External person
Jaejoon Lee
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Eulji University
- Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan university
External person
Narae Park
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
- SCatholic University of Korea
External person
Hoon Suk Cha
- Sam Sung Medical Center
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Eulji University
- Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan university
External person
Won Chul Lee
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
- College of Medicine
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
External person
Hyerin Jung
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
- Inc.
External person
Seong Kyu Kim
- Catholic University of Daegu
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
External person
Ha Neul Kim
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
External person
Won Park
- Inha University
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Wonkwang University
- Hanyang University
External person
Yoon Hee Jeon
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
External person
Yong Bum Park
- Hallym University
- Clinical Research Center for Chronic Obstructive Airway Diseases
- University College of Medicine
- Kangdong Sacred Heart Hospital
External person
Yeri Alice Rim
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
- SCatholic University of Korea
External person
Bong Woo Lee
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
External person
Soon Nam Oh
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
- Dongguk University
External person
Jaewoo Kang
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- The Catholic University of Korea
External person
Jae Ho Lee
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- Catholic University of Korea
- College of Medicine
External person
Ho Sung Yoon
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- The Catholic University of Korea
- The Catholic University of Korea, St. Vincent's Hospital
External person
Hyun Ho Kim
- The Catholic University of Korea
- The Catholic University of Korea, St. Vincent's Hospital
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
- Korea Military Academy
External person
Joo Yeon Jhun
External person
Seungjin Choi
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- National Cancer Center Korea
- Seoul National University
External person
Chong Hyeon Yoon
- College of Medicine
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- Catholic University of Korea
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
- Dongguk University
- Uijeongbu St. Mary's Hospital
- The Catholic University of Korea, St. Vincent's Hospital
External person
Sung Jun Kim
- The Catholic University of Korea Incheon St. Mary's Hospital
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
External person
Ki Hwan Kim
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Yonsei University
- The Catholic University of Korea Incheon St. Mary's Hospital
- The Catholic University of Korea, St. Vincent's Hospital
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
External person
Hyeon Seok Hwang
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Kyung Hee University
- Daejeon St. Mary's Hospital
- Department of Internal Medicine and
- Division of Nephrology
- Daejeon St. Mary’s Hospital
- Convergent Research Consortium for Immunologic Disease
- Transplant Research Center
- Division of Nephrology
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
External person
S. H. Yoon
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service
- Research and Development Center
External person
Y. R. Kim
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Uijeongbu St. Mary's Hospital
- College of Medicine
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
External person
Sang Min Lee
- Armed Forces Capital Hospital
- Seoul National University
- Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
External person
Inhye E. Ahn
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
- Houston Methodist
External person
Eun Su Park
- The Catholic University of Korea Incheon St. Mary's Hospital
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
- The Catholic University of Korea
External person
Shin Hee Kim
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
- The Catholic University of Korea Incheon St. Mary's Hospital
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- Kyung Hee University
External person
Sang Do Lee
- University of Ulsan
- Clinical Research Center for Chronic Obstructive Airway Diseases
- Korea University
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- Hallym University
External person
Joong Kyong Ahn
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Kangbuk Samsung Hospital
- Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan university
External person
Hye Joa Oh
- Dongguk University
- Catholic University of Korea
- The Catholic University of Korea
- The Rheumatism Research Center (RhRC)
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- Convergent Research Consortium for Immunologic Disease
- Catholic Research Institutes of Medical Science
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
- Catholic Institute of Medical Science
External person
Hyun Sook Kim
- Soonchunhyang University
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Chosun University
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
External person
Hyun Sook Kim
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Chosun University
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- Soonchunhyang University
External person
Byung Hwa Jung
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- University of Science and Technology UST
External person
Eunjin Kang
- The Catholic University of Korea Incheon St. Mary's Hospital
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
External person
Jae Seung Lee
- University of Ulsan
- Clinical Research Center for Chronic Obstructive Airway Diseases
- Hallym University
External person
Juyoung Shin
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
External person
Yoongoo Kang
- The Catholic University of Korea
- The Catholic University of Korea, St. Vincent's Hospital
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
External person
Kijun Lee
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- Inc.
External person
Jae Young Kim
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
- Catholic University of Korea
- The Catholic University of Korea, St. Vincent's Hospital
External person
Jung Won Woo
- Catholic University of Korea
- Catholic Univ. of Korea Coll. Med.
- Genexine, Inc.
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
External person
Yong Wook Park
- Chonnam National University
- SK Bioscience
- SK Corporation
- SK Bioscience
- SK Bioscience
External person
Young Bin Joo
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
- The Catholic University of Korea, St. Vincent's Hospital
- Catholic University of Korea
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Hanyang University
- Seoul National University
External person
Hyun Ok Kim
External person
Seung Hee Han
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
- The Catholic University of Korea
External person
Yunju Nam
- The Catholic University of Korea
- The Catholic University of Korea Incheon St. Mary's Hospital
- Daejeon St. Mary's Hospital
- The Catholic University of Korea, St. Vincent's Hospital
- Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine
External person