A case of cutaneous pseudolymphoma in a clinical appearance of keloid

Suhyun Cho, Mi Ri Kim, Sang Ho Oh

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1 Scopus citations


Cutaneous pseudolymphoma is a heterogeneous group of benign reactive T-cell or B-cell lymphoproliferative process, which clinically and histologically simulates cutaneous lymphomas. A few cases of pseudolymphomas, showing atypical clinical forms, have been reported previously in the literature, but are rare. A 23-year old male was presented with 4-year duration of cutaneous lesion on the right retroauricular area. On physical examination, about a 2×1 cm sized erythematous, elevated and protruded, firm nodule was seen. The cutaneous lesion resembled the appearance of keloid, but the patient did not have any obvious history of trauma. A punch biopsy was performed, and histologically, the lesion was diagnosed as cutaneous pseudolymphoma. After a single treatment of triamcinolone acetonide intralesional injection, the lesion was almost cleared. In this report, we present an interesting case of pseudolymphoma with a clinical finding resembling the appearance of keloid in a patient without any traumatic history.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1006-1008
Number of pages3
JournalKorean Journal of Dermatology
Issue number11
StatePublished - Nov 2012


  • Keloid
  • Pseudolymphoma


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