Associations between binge drinking experience, depressive mood, and suicidality in adolescents: Based on the 2021 Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey

Mi Sun Lee, Hooyeon Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


Background: This study aimed to investigate the associations between binge drinking experience (BDE), depressive mood, and suicidality among Korean adolescents. Methods: We analyzed the 17th population-based and cross-sectional data from the Korean Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to compare BDE, depressive mood, and suicidality by sex. Results: In 54,848 adolescents, the prevalence of BDE was 5.3 % in boys and 4.4 % in girls. The prevalence of suicidal ideation, plans, and attempts among girls was 7.8 %, 2.4 %, and 1.4 %, respectively. The prevalence of suicide attempts among girls with both BDE and depressive moods was higher than that among boys. Boys with both BDE and depressive mood had 12.60 times and 14.50 times higher adjusted odds ratio (aOR) of suicide ideation and plan, respectively, compared with the non-drinking/non-depressed group. Girls with both BDE and depressive mood had 22.06 times higher aOR of suicide attempts than the non-drinking/non-depressed group. Limitations: The study has few limitations including the use of self-report questionnaires, participants' response bias, and lack of diagnosis by mental health professionals. Conclusions: These findings represent the prevalence of suicidality among South Korean adolescents with BDE or depressive mood. Since adolescents with both BDE and depressive mood showed particularly high suicidality, it is necessary to establish mental health services, such as proper prevention strategies and targeted interventions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)386-391
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Affective Disorders
StatePublished - 15 Feb 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 The Authors


  • Adolescent
  • BDE
  • Binge drinking experience
  • Depressive mood
  • Suicidality


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