Comparing the self-report and measured smartphone usage of college students: A pilot study

Heyoung Lee, Heejune Ahn, Trung Giang Nguyen, Sam Wook Choi, Dae Jin Kim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

80 Scopus citations


Objective Nowadays smartphone overuse has become a social and medical concern. For the diagnosis and treatment, clinicians use the self-report information, but the report data often does not match actual usage pattern. The paper examines the similarity and variance in smartphone usage patterns between the measured data and self-reported data. Methods Together with the self-reported data, the real usage log data is collected from 35 college students in a metropolitan region of Northeast Asia, using Android smartphone monitoring application developed by the authors. Results The unconscious users underestimate their usage time by 40%, in spite of 15% more use in the actual usage. Messengers are most-used application regardless of their self-report, and significant preference to SNS applications was observed in addict group. The actual hourly pattern is consistent with the reported one. College students use more in the afternoon, when they have more free time and cannot use PCs. No significant difference in hourly pattern is observed between the measured and self-report. Conclusion The result shows there are significant cognitive bias in actual usage patterns exists in self report of smartphone addictions. Clinicians are recommended to utilize measurement tools in diagnosis and treatment of smartphone overusing subjects.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)198-204
Number of pages7
JournalPsychiatry Investigation
Issue number2
StatePublished - Mar 2017

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
Funding for this study was provided by from the Korea Healthcare Technology R&D Project, Ministry for Health Welfare, the Republic of Korea (HI12C0113). The funding organization had no role in the study design, collection, analysis or interpretation of the data, writing the manuscript, or the decision to submit the paper for publication. Research Ethics: Ethical approval was obtained from KoNIBP (Korean National Institute for Bioethics Policy) (P01-201406-SB-01).

Publisher Copyright:
© 2017 Korean Neuropsychiatric Association.


  • Behavior monitoring
  • Behavioral addiction
  • Pilot study
  • Smartphone


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