Development of a micro-blood typing system using assembly-free process based on virtual environment

Seung Jae Lee, Hyun Wook Kang, Yonggoo Kim, Gyoo Whung Lee, Geunbae Lim, Dong Woo Cho

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


ABO typing is the first test done on blood that is to be used for transfusion. A person must receive ABO-matched blood, as ABO incompatibility is the major cause of fatal transfusion reactions. Until now, this blood typing has been done manually, and there is therefore a need for an automated typing machine that uses a very small volume of blood. In this paper, we present a new micro blood-tying system with a fully 3-dimentional geometry, which was realized using micro-stereolithography. This system was fabricated with a novel integration process based on a virtual environment and blood typing experiments using this system were successfully performed.

Original languageEnglish
Article number35
Pages (from-to)200-208
Number of pages9
JournalProceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
StatePublished - 2005
EventMicro- and Nanotechnology: Materials, Processes, Packaging, and Systems II - Sydney, Australia
Duration: 13 Dec 200415 Dec 2004


  • Integration process
  • Micro ABO blood typing system
  • Micro-stereolithography
  • Virtual environment


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