Ectopic paragonimiasis from 400-year-old female mummy of Korea

Dong Hoon Shin, Chang Seok Oh, Sang Jun Lee, Eun Joo Lee, Se Gwon Yim, Myeung Ju Kim, Yi Suk Kim, Soong Deok Lee, Yong Seok Lee, Hye Jung Lee, Min Seo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

26 Scopus citations


Of the parasite eggs discovered in ancient samples from Korean archaeological sites, Paragonimus spp. are of particular importance in that they are regarded as one of the most insidious trematode infection sources. Although their infection prevalence decreased rapidly in the early 20th century, archaeoparasitological studies on the species are still required, as historical knowledge of paragonimiasis remains far from comprehensive. Fortunately, we recently were given a chance to examine a medieval Korean mummy in a good state of preservation. Using morphological techniques, we discovered evidence of ectopic paragonimiasis in the sample from the 17th-century female. When the ITS 2 gene was extracted, amplified and sequenced from Paragonimus eggs, it showed 100% homology to the sequences of modern Paragonimus westermani reported from Korea and Japan, forming a cluster distinct from South Asian P.westermani. Our report is the first-ever analysis of ancient Paragonimus DNA from any archaeological field in the world. The ectopic paragonimiasis diagnosis made in this study, especially involving the liver sample, also is the first of its kind in archaeoparasitology.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1103-1110
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Archaeological Science
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 2012


  • Ancient DNA
  • Archaeoparasitology
  • Ectopic paragonimiasis
  • Korea
  • Paragonimus westermani


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