Feasibility of ultrasound guided atlanto-occipital joint injection

Sun Jae Won, U. Young Lee, Sei Un Cho, Won Ihl Rhee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Scopus citations


Objective: To evaluate the feasibility of ultrasound guided atlanto-occipital joint injection. Method: Six atlanto-occipital joints of three cadavers were examined. Cadavers were placed in prone position with their head slightly rotated towards the contra-lateral side. The atlanto-occipital joint was initially identified with a longitudinal ultrasound scan at the midline between occipital protuberance and mastoid process. Contrast media 0.5cc was injected into the atlanto-occipital joint using an in-plane needle approach under ultrasound guide. The location of the needle tip and spreading pattern of the contrast was confirmed by fluoroscopic evaluation.Results: After ultrasound guided atlanto-occipital joint injection, spreading of the contrast media into the joint was seen in all the injected joints in the anterior-posterior fluoroscopic view.Conclusion: The ultrasound guided atlanto-occipital injection is feasible. The ultrasound guided injection by Doppler examination can provide a safer approach to the atlanto-occipital joint.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)627-632
Number of pages6
JournalAnnals of Rehabilitation Medicine
Issue number5
StatePublished - 2012


  • Atlanto-occipital joint
  • Cadaver study
  • Ultrasound guided injection


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