Revolutionizing biomedical research: The imperative need for heart-kidney-connected organoids

Sun Sook Song, Hun Jun Park, Yong Kyun Kim, Sun Woong Kang

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2 Scopus citations


Organoids significantly advanced our comprehension of organ development, function, and disease modeling. This Perspective underscores the potential of heart-kidney-connected organoids in understanding the intricate relationship between these vital organs, notably the cardiorenal syndrome, where dysfunction in one organ can negatively impact the other. Conventional models fall short in replicating this complexity, necessitating an integrated approach. By co-culturing heart and kidney organoids, combined with microfluidic and 3D bioprinting technologies, a more accurate representation of in vivo conditions can be achieved. Such interconnected systems could revolutionize our grasp of multi-organ diseases, drive drug discovery by evaluating therapeutic agents on both organs simultaneously, and reduce the need for animal models. In essence, heart-kidney-connected organoids present a promising avenue to delve deeper into the pathophysiology underlying cardiorenal disorders, bridging existing knowledge gaps, and advancing biomedical research.

Original languageEnglish
Article number010902
JournalAPL Bioengineering
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Mar 2024

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© 2024 Author(s).


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