Zuckerkandl tubercle of the thyroid gland: Correlations between findings of anatomic dissections and CT imaging

H. J. Won, H. S. Won, D. S. Kwak, J. Jang, S. L. Jung, I. B. Kim

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8 Scopus citations


Background and Purpose: The Zuckerkandl tubercle is located at the posteromedial border of the thyroid lobe, and it may be confused with a neoplasm or other mass. This study was performed to clarify the position and morphologic characteristics of the Zuckerkandl tubercle by dissecting cadavers and to compare the findings with the corresponding CT images obtained in the same cadavers. Materials and Methods: One hundred thyroid lobes from 50 fresh cadavers were dissected for this study (20 males and 30 females; mean age at death, 77.3 ± 11.5 years). CT scans were obtained in 10 of the cadavers by using a 128-channel multidetector row CT scanner before dissection. Results: The Zuckerkandl tubercle of the thyroid gland was observed in 83% of the specimens. It was mostly located at the posteromedial border of the thyroid lobe and within the middle two quarters (2nd and 3rd) of the thyroid lobe. The Zuckerkandl tubercle was classified into 3 types based on its direction of extension: posteromedial in 64% of the specimens, posteromedial and superior in 13%, and posteromedial and inferior in 6%. On axial CT, the Zuckerkandl tubercle was usually continuous with the posteromedial part of the thyroid lobe and extended posteromedially to the esophagus. The parts of the Zuckerkandl tubercle that protrude posteromedially and superiorly or posteromedially and inferiorly from the thyroid lobe appeared separated from the thyroid gland by a thin, low-density string on axial CT. Conclusions: Zuckerkandl tubercles that protrude toward the posteromedial and superior or inferior direction could cause confusion due to their separation when performing diagnoses with CT images.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1416-1420
Number of pages5
JournalAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology
Issue number7
StatePublished - 1 Jul 2017


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